Green tea is grown mostly in Asian countries where a plant called Camellia sinensis is from. This particular plant is also used to make many of the black tea varieties that people have enjoyed for thousands of years. Although both teas get their start from the same basic plant, there are some major differences between the two in appearance, flavor and health benefits.

While flavor and appearances are what most people notice between green and black tea, the fundamental benefits of green tea versus black are also very much worth noting. The distinct differences between green and black tea arise from the processing that is involved in making each variety.

What Makes Green Tea Different From Black?

The processing involved in making black and green tea varieties varies rather greatly. The end result is two different kinds of tea from the exact same plant.

Green tea – When the intent is to make green tea from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, the leaves are picked and then steamed or heated almost immediately. These leaves are then dried for tea. Green tea tends to undergo much less processing than other forms of tea. In fact, green tea is considered one of the most pure forms of tea used for human consumption. As it is with many other foods, the lack of processing does make a difference in the nutrients and health benefits attached to the end product.

Black tea – The distinction between green and black tea comes in following the drying process. Unlike green tea leaves that are ready for consumption after drying, black teas also undergo a process known as oxidation. During this extended drying process, unfortunately, many of the nutrients and antioxidants are removed from the tea leaves. While some black teas do boast antioxidant properties, they are hard pressed to rival the benefits of green tea.

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